In other words: Is it time to sell the house, tuck away your belongings in storage and turn your life into a permanent workcation?
The answer is yes.
[About this newsletter. My "Future of Work" email newsletter is published by Foundry, the publishing company formerly known as IDG. The newsletter is both ad-free and free of charge. BUT, because Foundry newsletters are aimed at technology and business professionals, you'll be asked some basic information as part of the subscription process. Please provide! I'd love for you to subscribe to my Future of Work newsletter. -Thank you! -Mike]
We're in Morocco, and so happy to be here again!
Before the pandemic, we used to come two or three times a year, sometimes for two months at a time. But this is our first trip to Morocco in nearly three years.
Like many countries, Morocco closed during the pandemic. But few closed as tightly as Morocco. This country not only banned international flights to and from Morocco, but also all travel between cities internally. When Morocco shuts down, they *really* shut down.
Here's my update on what happened in Morocco during the pandemic, and what's happening now.
From weapons to vehicles to communications gear and more, most militaries are equipped top to bottom with technology specially designed and created for military purposes. Military technology, or miltech, is an industry that’s largely separate from enterprise or consumer tech.
I mentioned last time how the Russian invasion of Ukraine is the first TikTok war, with social media being the main source of intelligence and information about the war. Most of the intelligence-gathering gear is just ordinary smartphones, cameras and other tech made for the consumer marketplace.
But the deployment of consumer gadgets, apps and other gear by Ukrainians in their defense against the Russian invasion goes far beyond that, and is unprecedented in the history of warfare.
Staffing for cybersecurity has always presented a challenge. But with the old skills shortage combined with the new “Great Resignation,” hiring the right candidates has never been more important.
The first step in looking at any prospective hire is to review resumes. People often don’t appreciate this process. It’s easy, for example, to overlook the best fit. You might toss aside the resume of someone who might be an outstanding candidate because of factors that really don’t matter.
Here are the top ten factors in hiring a cybersecurity professional.
Legal residence is everything. Physical location is nothing. Here’s what you need to know about employees who don’t live at home.
Subscribe free here.
The way people travel for work in 2022 or 2023 will look a lot different than it did just a few years ago. So, grab a burner phone (and your freshly wiped laptop) before you go.
As the pandemic winds down and businesses start making plans for a post-pandemic world, the one big question is: How has business travel changed?
Airports and airplanes are starting to fill up, but mostly with leisure travelers. Business travel is recovering far slower than tourism.
A poll from SAP Concur found that business travel is likely to start booming by the end of this year. But that sounds unlikely to me. I believe we’ll see a mini-boom starting in March and April, then a slowdown in late 2022 as COVID-19 spikes again in the winter, followed by a real boom in the spring of 2023. (I’m not an expert in epidemiology, but my understanding from reading real experts says that the road to endemic status for COVID-19 involves one more winter spike—something that probably didn’t factor into the thinking of those polled by SAP.)
What we do know is this: When it does come back, business travel will look very different. Here's what to expect.
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Tens of millions of tourists see Venice each year. But hardly anyone knows about the heaven-on-Earth Prosecco Road less than one hour North.
And yet this may be the most beautiful wine country in the world, with a fantastic and wildly underappreciated culture.
While everyone is familiar with the City of Venice, the islands and lagoon, the culture of medieval Venice responsible for that city was part of the larger "Serenìsima Repùblega Vèneta," which means "Most Serene Republic of Venice" in the Venetian language. The "country" of Venice extended all the way up to the Prosecco Road to the mountains beyond.
During our incredible Prosecco Experience, we explore the wonders of Venetian culture — the incredible food, wine, architecture and history — which lasted for a thousand years.
(Subscribe to the Gastronomad newsletter free)
The pandemic has changed everything about work.
Far more people now work remotely. Hybrid and flex work arrangements are all the rage. Employees are quitting in droves in the Great Resignation. There’s the labor shortage, the skills gap, and remote hiring. The list goes on.
So, how do we decide how much to pay people? And if you’re interviewing for a new job, how do you decide how much to demand?
Two opposing incentives are creating uncertainty about pay. On one hand, most employees prefer remote work so much that they’re willing to take a cut in pay. And they need less pay if they move outside expensive areas.
On the other hand, the skills shortage, labor shortage, and Great Resignation movement are driving up salaries and bonuses, as companies work to incentivize employees.
Adding to the unpredictability: Many companies are still in lockdown mode, so it’s unknown how many jobs currently remote will remain so. And inflation is changing the cost of living.
Tech giants like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, and Microsoft announced pay cuts for remote employees who left Silicon Valley—which is notorious for its high cost of living (the median home price in Palo Alto in Silicon Valley is roughly $3.5 million). But many other companies, including real estate website Zillow, have said that pay shouldn’t vary based on the cost of living.
When the dust settles, it’s likely that pay at most companies will generally reflect the cost of living of the employee as it always has. Companies will tend to pay whatever the market will bear in the labor market, and it will prove easier to hire good employees at lower salaries in areas with lower costs of living.
But there's much more to it than that. Here's what we should all be thinking and talking about when it comes to paying people in the future of work.
This is from my free, weekly Future of Work newsletter. Subscribe free here.
Along with jet packs and food in pill form, flying cars were a staple of 20th-Century futurism, which envisioned a family flying car in every driveway. Soaring above the roads on the way to work, school and the high-tech shopping center, the flying car was intended to replace regular cars for everyday use.
The reason you never see one — the reason you don’t have one — is that a “flying car” is a horrible idea.
Everyone started talking about the metaverse in the summer of 2021. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg kicked it off with his plan to focus his company on building what he imagined would be the future of social, business, leisure and culture: the metaverse. He even changed the name of his company from Facebook to Meta.
Since then, the chatter about the coming changes has been loud. Silicon Valley, the global tech industry, the media — everyone is talking about it. But what is the metaverse, exactly? And what are the cybersecurity implications of living more of our lives in a virtual world?
Going without any policy at all is ill-advised. Policies protect the company, improve morale, foster better culture, help employee retention, improve cybersecurity, and provide other benefits.
And remote work policies crafted just a couple of years ago are likely obsolete for most companies now.
The concept of having an employee handbook for “regular” employees who work in the office, plus a remote work policy for that minority that works from home, is now antiquated in the extreme.
Yes, some employees are explicitly categorized as hybrid or flex workers, spending some days in the office and some days at home. But even those labeled as on-site workers are likely to do some work outside of the office, after hours, and on weekends. Staffers may take “workcations,” or do work in other countries for short periods of time. And some specific employees may rotate in and out of the “office,” “remote,” and “hybrid” categories.
The possibilities for where employees do their jobs are endless. And that’s why you need a single policy for all employees—a hybrid work policy.
Joe Rogan (and guests) said things. Some of those things could inspire listeners to fear the covid vaccine more than covid, causing needless deaths.
It matters because Rogan is a big deal. Rogan is the world’s biggest podcaster. The Joe Rogan Experience, exclusive to Spotify, enjoys audiences that dwarf any political commentator on TV.
Rogan’s podcasting shtick is that he’s an incorrigible stoner having endless late-night conversations about things he doesn’t understand. With a good guest, it’s a relatable journey of discovery that brings his audience along. With a bad guest, it’s a source of disinformation Rogan’s fans might be persuaded by.
So a movement started on social media to boycott Spotify. Famous singers, including Neil Young, called for Spotify to remove their music in protest, and Spotify complied. Thousands of people canceled their Spotify accounts. Spotify’s market valuation lost $2 billion.
Rogan supporters shouted: CENSORSHIP!!
Except nothing about this story has anything to do with censorship. Rogan is still America’s #1 most influential voice. And even if he left Spotify, it would be easy for him to start his own podcast. Joe Rogan is uncensorable and uncancelable, thanks to both the US Constitution and the podcast medium, which has no gatekeepers.
But it does add to the perennial conversation about the role of technology companies in governing speech.
In truth, Spotify isn’t really central to that conversation. But Facebook, Twitter and other social networks are.
The question is: Are social networks more like telephone companies… or publishers?
The answer is yes.
Cyberattacks happen. What you do afterward can affect your cybersecurity posture for years to come. But it can also affect your ongoing success as a business, your good name and your compliance with the laws that govern your industry. You can only realize the full benefits of cybersecurity with the one-two punch of strong proactive and reactive cybersecurity.
The surprising answer is yes — as long as you’re not a competitor, advertiser, or consumer.
For years, it seemed, Google lived up to its old motto, “Don’t be evil.” It also seemed to do no wrong in terms of product superiority.
Google built its reputation as an ethical company that outperformed competitors. But is that reputation still deserved?
One thing is true: It’s been a bad year for Google’s reputation.
The whole point of an office was: Everybody in the same place at the same time. Now everybody’s in a different place — and working at a different time.
I love the tangy, delicious flavor, creamy consistency and confirmed health benefits of live, probiotic-rich fermented beverages like kefir milk. Unfortunately, the kefir milk typically found at grocery stores tends to be an expensive, less healthy and fake version of the real thing.
(This is an excerpt from The Spartan Diet Journal email. Read it here.)
That’s one of many reasons why I recommend that you get and keep live kefir grains.
No, kefir grains are not grains like wheat grains — they’re a specific collective of friendly microorganisms that, when added to milk or just about any drink containing sugar, initiates a natural fermentation process.
In other words, kefir grains are like a sourdough starter, kombucha scoby or vinegar mother. They’re used, cultivated and shared for the purpose of fermenting foods.
Kefir grains are especially valuable in an industrialized food context, because they enable us to make fermented dairy products using pasteurized milk.
Here’s everything you need to know about kefir from the Spartan Diet Journal, plus a recipe for cultured butter.
Elon Musk tweeted this week that, instead of worrying about overpopulation, "we should be much more worried about population collapse." Musk fears that Earth won’t produce enough people for him to send to Mars.
Silicon Valley entrepreneur and investor Sahil Lavingia replied that "We should be investing in technology that makes having kids much faster/easier/cheaper/more accessible. Synthetic wombs, etc."
Then, bitcoin bro and Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin chimed in by saying that "disparities in economic success between men and women are far larger once marriage+children enter the picture. Synthetic wombs would remove the high burden of pregnancy, significantly reducing the inequality."
Don't you see? Pregnancy and birth is an engineering problem for Silicon Valley to solve, patent and profit from. Because gender equality!
When "Brave New World" or "The Matrix" depict a dystopian future where babies are "grown" in artificial wombs and then "decanted" or "harvested," it was meant to be a warning, not a business plan.
Read the rest in my newsletter, Mike's List!
There's truth in all of this. But the real problem with social media is something people never talk about.
Here's the problem: Social media makes you feel like you're doing the very thing social media is preventing you from doing.
Let me explain.
We live in an attention economy. Your attention is worth more than gold.
If attention is currency, then social media distraction represents a transfer of wealth from yourself to whoever is most successful at taking your attention — Meta (the company formerly known as Facebook that owns Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram), Google (which owns YouTube), ByteDance (which owns TikTok), Snap (the company that owns Snapchat), Reddit, Pinterest, Twitter and others.
These companies extract your attention the way "the Machines" extract electrical energy from people in the "The Matrix."
Of course, some distraction is good. At the end of the day, it's great to forget about our troubles with online escapism. Such distractions, plus connecting with other people, may be especially important during a pandemic lock-down. A little social media is nice.
But with each passing month, the distraction industry evolves to become better at manipulating your paleolithic brain to distract. And we don’t evolve quick enough to resist.
As a result, people time spent on social media grows every year and shows no signs of stopping. Every year, we transfer more and more attention wealth to the giant corporations that have created the best distraction artificial intelligence technology.
And so we are distracted by social media more than we should be or want to be.
Society is slowly evolving into something out of the novel "Ready Player One," where everyone is so distracted (in the movie by a "metaverse," called "The Oasis") that the real world goes to hell. Everyone is too distracted with digital experiences to take care of the real world.
OK, social media distraction isn't that bad. Yet. But it’s still true that for many people, social media distraction, obsession and addiction is the main barrier to achieving real-world goals and making our own lives better.
Different people are triggered by different social media distraction drugs. I know many people who get sucked into Instagram like they're hypnotized. Others can't stop watching YouTube. We journalists can't seem to stay off Twitter.
We've heard the theories and seen the studies. Let's finally understand how this all really works.
In this Earth-shattering episode, we bravely tackle mankind's most pressing concerns, including subscription Taco Bell, Web3, Signal, Facebook, Google's messaging mess, Samsung's ghosting of the press, Starlink cats, Zynga, antivirus cryptomining, Wordle, hacked Teslas, E3, covid shrinkage, TikTok, Google's Sonos patent loss, the worst of CES and more!
Drop everything and watch now!!
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My mother-in-law has Alzheimer’s. She has a lot of fear in her life now.
She often doesn’t know where she is or who the strange man in the house is, even when she’s home alone with her husband.
The last thing she needs is scammers calling her on the phone to scare her into giving them money.
A voice mail left on her phone recently went like this:
“This is Susan Mullen. I’m contacting you in reference to legal allegations that are being filed against you. We are requesting a verbal statement from you. Failure to respond will result in a forfeiture of your rights and a process server will be contacted to have you served at your home or place of employment. Press zero now! To speak with a mediator. You have been officially notified.”
The call comes from a US number, processed through a VoIP service and has been traced to India.
It has always been possible for anyone with a phone to call anyone else with a phone and scare them to death. But now this is becoming more common.
Fear is big business. Call it “Fear, Inc.”
In fact, fear-mongering for money and power is the defining challenge of of this generation.
Bob Woodward’s recent book on Trump is titled “Fear” because its central insight is that Trump’s political career is based on the insight that scaring people gives you power.
Trump told us that rapists were pouring over the border, gangs have taken over our cities, our allies are taking advantage of us, China is stealing our jobs.
Some of the president’s fear mongering is based in fact — ISIS terrorists are trying to wipe out Christians in Iraq.
Most of it is based on exaggeration or outright lies: The murder rate is the highest it’s ever been (in fact homicides are way, way down from decades past).
He dog-whistled fear of black people and foreigners. Everyone in the world except Russia is out to get us, Trump told us. Trump scared us. So we elected him.
Let’s turn that around: We elected Trump because he made us afraid.
(More accurately, he amplified the fear we already felt as the result of getting news from other fear mongers: Putin, Fox and Facebook.)
These news sources discovered long ago that fear gets you power and money.
There’s nothing new about this, of course. It’s the defining insight of terrorism, which is a war tactic whereby you gain power through fear.
Creating fear for profit is the business model of fake news, pharmaceutical drugs and TV evangelism.
Creating fear for power is the driving force behind today’s divisive politics. “People react to fear, not love,” Richard Nixon told us.
Everyone’s life is a mixture of joy, happiness, fear and sadness. Fear mongers mine money and power by converting our joy and happiness into fear and sadness. The more unhappy we are, the more money and power they get.
They’re ruining lives by the billions out of naked self-interest. The scammer who preys on the elderly and people suffering from dementia is operating from the exact same business model as the fear-mongering politicians like Trump, the cable "journalists," and the TV evangelists.
It’s time to stop this.
Statistically, life is getting better and safer. But we all feel like the world is getting worse and more dangerous.
These trends are driven by the rise of Fear, Inc. And the fear will keep rising until we shut down the fear mongers.
Instead of rewarding the fear mongers with money and power, we need to do the opposite. We need to punish them with non-support, with scorn and ridicule, with legal action and with political action.
Instead of bickering with people on social media over the different things different fear mongers have scared us into fearing each other over, we need to unite against the fear mongers.
We journalists need to challenge fear mongering politicians every. Single. Time. And never stop until they stop using fear to gain power.
Most importantly, we need to learn to instantly categorize fear mongering for what it is and reject it categorically. Reject scary stories and hyperbole and insist on the statistical facts.
Reward the politicians and companies and people who are helping to contextualize events and phenomena in our world in a way that helps us understand the world, not fear it.
Because life is scary enough. We don’t need fear magnified because some sociopath wants power — or make a few bucks on a phone scam.
The tech visionaries are bickering over Web3.
Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey tweeted that the Web3 idea is not a force for democratizing the web, but instead a tool of the venture capitalists. Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen blocked him on Twitter. Elon Musk said that Web3 is just marketing hype and he doesn’t understand it.
Web3 is everywhere. Web3 is nowhere. Everyone is talking about it, yet few understand what it’s all about. Here's what you need to know about Web3.
Today, customers expect their retail experience to feel like a relationship. They don't want to simply leave with their purchase; they want maximum choice in how, when and where they interact with the brand, and they expect brands to know who they are at every stage of their journey.
This has left many organizations wondering how to enhance customer experience in retail, but it's not as complicated as you may think. The best way to meet rising customer expectations is to rely on advanced technologies and their associated methodologies.